
  • Author

    • Joy, George
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    • Madison, James


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Documents filtered by: Author="Joy, George" AND Recipient="Madison, James"
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Here is another Change in the face of Europe. In Spain "Where slept the Embers of her wonted...
29 May 1809, London. Repeats a rumor [mentioned in a postscript to a 24 May letter to JM ] that...
I have yet to thank you for your favor of the 17th. May 1792 wch. Mr: Pinckney was so good to...
28 April 1810, Copenhagen. The French minister at Copenhagen, Didelot, gave Joy the enclosed...
Having a Copy of the Letter from the Danish Chancery to the Admiralty enclosed in my Letter to...
8 October 1810, Gothenburg. Continues “the thread of my discourse of yesterday.” Stresses the...
I have not seen Mr: Rush since the Packet Liverpool was a missing Ship; but Mr: Maury whom I met...
It would be grateful to me to hear more from you than falls to my lot in these latter days. My...
§ From George Joy. 15 January 1806, London. “I hand you Copy of my dispatches ⅌ packet, except...
I have just parted from Mr. Walker of Birmingham whom you will find mentioned in the Chronicle of...
Having accidental Notice of a Ship at Brest changing her Voyage, and proceeding imm’y. to Boston;...
You shall have no cause to complain of a tardy rejoinder to your favour of the 25th Novr. last,...
The Manifold Writer, which I seldom use, except with the aid of another Machine called a Copyist,...
15 July 1809, London. Encloses copies of his letters to a Colonel Walker and the duke of...
I have just rec’d from Mr Scrope, one of the M. Ps for this County, a Pamphlet sent him ex...
The above is, I believe, the 5th Copy of my Letter of the 15th Aug. I doubt if more than one is...
I have sent you from time to time such Newspapers as appeared most interesting: the last being of...
I have sometimes been induced, after writing, to pass a Letter under your Eye. The enclosed...
I wrote you on ⟨the 17th.⟩ Ult. that Mr: Adams had recd his appointment of Secretary of State,...
Should the Bearer Mr. James C. Fuller extend his travels to the peaceful shades of your retreat,...
Your letter of the 10th Novr. reached me only on the 17th Inst.—the anniversary of one of the...
In my Letter of the 4th Inst. there is an Error in transcribing from the shorthand draft: for...
I am afraid that neither my letter of the 17th. Septr: nor that of the 14th. Octr: reached you so...
Mr. Russell being still absent; and having, in addition to the anxiety expressed in my last, a...
3 February 1804, London. “The enclosed was intended to be sent by ⟨the⟩ Ship Magistrate; but...
By this Ship you will receive original of my Letter of the 24th. Ult: of which tho’ written in...
Mr. Maury has transmitted to Monroe M.S. copy of a peice that I had the good fortune to get into...
Mr: Russell has sometimes said he wished I would give a lesson to some of my federal friends; and...
Here is a Snow Storm that would do honor to Passamaquoddy; and as I have no Engagement abroad, I...
8 September 1810, Gothenburg. Recapitulates his activities in the region as well as the contents...