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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Adams, John" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 251-260 of 260 sorted by date (ascending)
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Your Letter of the 31 Dec. last delighted me more than usual. It was a new mark of your...
I have not had the pleasure to receive a Line from you in Some time—Did you know what pleasure...
Our Lincoln is wreathing in the Fox-trap of pretended-Friends. And the desendants of those Same...
The last Letter which I had the honour to receive from you, dated Jan. 3d. I have before...
Your favours of the 11th. and 14th. inst. came both to hand to-day. I have only time, by this...
Soon after the receipt of your last letter in which you Advise me to shake off my retired habits...
I wrote to you under the date of the 20th. inst. and sent it to the post office, but arriving...
When I consider, I was once a Pupil at Braintree in the mansion House of your venerable Father, I...
Your favor of the 19th. of February was alike acceptable with all your former letters. The papers...
BORN and educated in the same state which has given birth to you, and to which our hearts are...