James Madison Papers
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James Monroe to James Madison, 4 October 1829

Octr. 4. 1829

Dear Sir—

I was happy to hear by Paul last night, that you had arrived with Mrs Madison, and that your health had been improved by the journey, as I think that mine has.

Col: Mercer was with me last night, and suggested some ideas in relation to you, which I wish to communicate to you, for consideration, before you see him, as he will probably call on you this morning. He proposes, at the instance of many, and particularly those westward, to nominate, or rather desires that you shod. be nominated, and appointed, the President. He says that it is intended, if you will act to appoint a vice President, and make such an arrangment as to the appointmt. of committees, & other duties of the chair, as will free you from all burden. If you do not act, the place will be offerd to Judge Marshall, & probably to me. My wish is, that you may act & opinion, if you do not, that neither of the latter shod.; but that we shod. take a [mere voters] attitude. Every object will be accomplished if you can act.

It has been communicated to me, from unquestionable authority, that if a particular arrangment, as to the power of the White population, is not adopted, that all those to the [westward] will withdraw, & make a constitution, themselves, & submit it to their constituents. I mention this in profound confidence, it having been communicated to me; under a special injunction of secrecy. It is stated also that the temper below, is equally ardent, & violent, in certain quarters especially. I mention this merely that you may be acquainted with it, should the subject be brought before you

If the moisture of the atmosphere does not prevent it, I will call on you with Col: Mercer this morning—Your friend—

James Monroe

RC (NN: Monroe Papers).

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