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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Adams, John" AND Period="Revolutionary War" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 461-510 of 3,184 sorted by relevance
My last informed you of my Intention to send you by the Messagerie a Case of old W. India Spirit, and at the same time I requested you to send a dozen to Mr. Alexander and a dozen to Dr. Bancroft. I have now to inform you that it left Nantes last Saturday accompanied with an acquit a Caution which I request you to return to me properly indorsed at the Bureau at Paris. I must beg your...
Je profite, avec bien de l’Empressement, de l’occasion d’écrire à votre Excellence et de me rappeller à Son Souvenir. Mon attachement pour Vous, Monsieur, n’est pas diminué Le moins du monde par l’Eloignement et par l’absence: il ne L’est pas même par votre Silence. J’ai l’honneur de faire quelque fois ma Cour à Madame adam’s à Braintrée et à Boston. Notre Refrein chéri est toujours de parler...
I am not skill’d in writing introductory Letters—I must however write one to make you acquainted with a Gentleman whose conversation you will find, at least, very agreeable. In these intrigueing times, when Politicians are obliged to Speak with caution in all companies, look at all Men with a suspicious Eye, and speak to them with reserve, an introduction becomes very Necessary, as it is apt...
The States of Holland will not be able to form a resolution for another fifteen days or three weeks. This is because the next assembly finally demanded a translation of the proposal. Meantime this proposal has made a great impression and has caused the Anglomanes a lot of pain. I hope, sir, that you will be able to acquiesce to yesterday’s proposal, and by doing so you will alleviate the pain...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I am honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 27th. past, acquainting me with your Appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary to the States General, on which please to accept my Compliments and best Wishes for Success in your Negociations. We have just received Advice here, that M. la Motte Piquet, met with the English Convoy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day receivd from Mr. Livingston a Letter wherein he requests I would apply for a Letter of Mark for the Ship bought for him. I shall esteem the favor of you to forward one to me by the first Post I expect he will be ready for Sea by the first November. The Ship is called the Livingston, in Honor of Governor Livingston, the late Mr. P....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, February 2, 1779: Capt. Jason Laurence of the schooner General Arnold arrived here yesterday by a Dutch ship; he had been put on board by the Jersey privateer that captured him. He informs me his ship belonged to General Arnold and was the first launched in Philadelphia since its recapture. He left there on November 4, carrying packets for you...
I wish it was in my power to give you a satisfactory and particular state of facts relative to the late movements in the military way, but all the facts I cannot learn, and if I could they might not perhaps be satisfactory in every sense of the word. The 22 Instant the Enemy retreated from Brunswick to Amboy, a party, of several hundreds, under the command of Col Morgan attacked their rear, in...
Soon after I came to this place I took the freedom to write you. I once more ask leave to inform you that this morning I am to set out for Quebeck. I leave this place so well fortified, that there is little to fear from the Enemys coming here, and good Batteries on Each side of the narrows, on Long Island, and on Straton Island, would, affectually secure this harbour, and River, as the...
Referring to what I had the Honor to write you the 12th Current. Yesterday arrived from Virginia the Cutter Tartar Capt. Southcomb. He left York River the 29th July. Private Letters by him are dated the 21st of same contain no accounts other than them at hand. He reports a report of Comte d’Estaing having taken five English Frigates, that New York was closely blockt up and no doubt of the...
In the general Calamity of the times, I find there is little or no Business to be had unless help’d and push’d forward by some able and powerful Friend; Necessity at length obliges me to seek one, and I apply to you, Sir, in preference to another on Account of the Notice you have heretofore taken of me; I have delay’d this Application thus long, lest I should give you trouble, not that the...
I have the Honor to pay my most respectful Compliments of Season wishing prosperity to all your undertakings. We are without any Arrivals since I had the Honor to write you the 5th Ultimo. By Letters from Nantes I am inform’d the Chasseur is Loaded and all is ready for the other Ship which contrary winds have detaind near two Months at Isl of Rhé not more than 24 hours sail from Nantes. I...
We had the Honour to write yoúr Excellency the 9 th. of this month, to which we beg Leave to refer. Since none of Yoúr Esteemed favours Shall this Serve Principaly to advice yoúr Excellency that M r. Dúmas of the Hague has Send ús a General account of Repairs to the House whereof the Amount is ƒ 1714.6— and as We have Seen Yoúr Excellency’s pleasure in having them immediatly paid off., we...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, October 3, 1778: No ships have arrived from America; that none have come from [South] Carolina is to be expected because of the embargo on rice, but many French vessels are in Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina, even if American ships are lacking. A ship belonging to Mr. Ross was sold here. The crewmen who shipped for the round trip demand...
Nothing material occurring, I did not write you on the last post day. Things were then in a train for other communications and I am in hopes to add something to this letter in the Evening before I seal it, from our friend. Mr. S ear les letter and some late ones from home via Nantes got to Him. Mr. L——ns treatment remaind with usual and unabated rigour till the 8th Instant. His Son and Mr....
Congress consider your correspondence with the Count de Vergennes on the subject of communicating Your Plenipotentiary Powers to the Ministry of Great Britain as flowing from your Zeal and Assiduity in the service of your country: but I am directed to inform you that the Opinion given to you by that minister relative to the time and circumstances proper for communicating your powers and...
Mr. Smith call’d upon me to day and told me he should set out tomorrow for Philadelphia, desired I would write by him. I have shewn him all the civility in my power since he has been here, tho not all I have wished too. Our Situation and numerous family as well as sick family prevented our asking him to dine. He drank tea with us once and Breakfasted once with us. I was much pleasd with the...
In aid to your scrutiny after the real robber of the Commissioners Dispatches, I send what I think a good Confirmation of Folgiers honesty. By comparing the Governor’s letter with Folgier’s Examination you will find the Governor led into a mistake about the number of Seals broken, by Folgiers forgetting that the outside Cover of the whole had anything more than “Dispatches” wrote on it. He...
Since my last the Situation of the Camp has prevented the Committee of Congress from transacting the Business of their Appointment. The Enemy, the Evening after the Date of my letter, marched out with their whole Force, which is said to consist of twelve thousand five hundred Effectives. We received Information of their preparations, a Day or two before, by persons who left the City; and the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: National Archives (two), United States Naval Academy Museum <Brest, August 15, 1778: I have been here five days and have neither seen nor heard from Lt. Simpson; but Mr. Hill reports the general rumor that I have been turned out of the service, that Simpson has replaced me with a captain’s commission, and that my letter to you of July 16 was only...
I yesterday received yours of May 14 from L’Orient and Aug. 13th. from Braintree with several valuable Papers. I hope to be able to write shortly to you on those Topics which are the Subject of your Correspondence with de Vergennes. At present, as I have been for several days past, I am engaged in a severe wrestling Match with a Chap who has laid many on their Backs here lately. He is known in...
Reading and writeing have for some time past been Interdicted on Account of the small Pox Affecting my Eyes, which is the reason that you have heard from me so seldom of late. I generally scribble to you when Oppertunity presents whether I have much, or Indeed anything of Consequence to say or not. I Received yours of the 24th. 26. and 27th. July with the Inclosed which I have delivered as...
Je me suis presenté Chez vous pour avoir l’honneur de vous voir et j’ai eu le malheur de n’avoir pu vous rencontrer après avoir eu le regret de ne pouvoir pas profiter de vôtre obligeante invitation. Je desirois m’entretenir avec vous sur le dessein que vous avez d’envoyer Messrs vos fils faire leur education a Geneve, et vous offrir derechef tous les Services dont je suis Capable: J’en avoir...
The Committee of both Houses appointed to consider a Letter from General Washington to the President of the Council dated Decr: 18th: beg leave to report that we think it expedient that the honorable John Adams, and Robt. Treat Paine Esqrs: two of the Delegates to the Continental Congress now in this State be desired to attend this Court, that from them we may learn the general State of...
Je me proposois Monsieur d’aller passer quelques jours a amsterdam a la fin de Cette Semaine, mais je suis absolument obligé de rester icy et j’aurai l’honneur de vous en dire Les raisons. Je Desirerois bien cependant m’entretenir avec vous; et je vous prierois de venir a La haye si vous n’etes pas indispensablement retenu a amsterdam.
Monsieur jennings ma venus votre lettre du 5 janvier avec la traduction hollandoise de la revolution de lamerique. Je suis tres aise que le peu que jai dit de vous, monsieur, ne vous ait pas deplu. Mieux instruit, je me serois etendu davantage; mais je nen sçavois pas asses pour sortir des generalites. Si vos occupations vous permetoient de lire avec attention ce que jai ecrit sur lamerique...
The bearer Thomas Beer has been obliged to flee from England on account of his having assisted the american prisonners to Escape. I have represented his case to his Excellency Dr B. Franklin, who has autorised me by his letter of 22d august of which I here inclose a copy, to pay this man ten guineas to help him to Holland, with his wife and two young children; I hope your Excellency will be...
Since my last letter of the 13th, with the enclosure from France directed to you, I have been somewhat troubled because I did not know that Messrs. De Neufville received the packet that contained the enclosure. The memorial is sufficiently known throughout the republic and Europe at this time. This is due to the dispatches from the publishers as much as it is to the vying newspapers that have...
Je suis trop reconnoissant des bontés dont vous mavés honnoré pour ne pas vous exprimer a cet egard tous les sentiments que je vous dois. Receves done monsieur l’homage dun pere sensible que vous venes de tranquiliser, et qui se glorifie davoir un fils au service dune nation dont vous donnés la plus haute idee. Je ne metonne point monsieur quil cherche a si distinguer, si touts ceux qui...
I have but one moment to tell you, that I left Mrs. Adams your Children, General and Mrs. Warren in good health four days ago. I shall soon set out for Philadelphia. Hancock is chosen Governor, owing cheifly to your absence. I paid a visit to Mrs. Dana at Cambrige, who with her Children are well. Please to remember me to her Husband. Mr. S. A. is at Congress, which is very thin. They have...
Today I am sending His Excellency Mr. Franklin the third and final issue of the Gazette de Leyde , in which I had Clinton’s letter inserted according to your and his wishes. I also have sent it to other newspapers, both in and out of the country, notably to Hamburg and a friend in Amsterdam who has promised to send a copy to London. I still think that this letter, as it appears in the American...
The Debtors Confined in this Goal have Prepared a Petition to the Honourable Continental Congress, praying that they woud devise or Recommend some Measure to prevent Mens persons from being Arrested or Confined in Goal for debt, during the present unhappy Conflict—which by the desire of the Petitioners I have inclosed to the President desireing him to present the same to that Venerable Body,...
In a letter of this same day, which I have already mailed, I forgot to include some essential news. President van den Santheuvel’s report made to the high mightinesses of your last requisition, was taken ad referendum on the last day of the Dutch assembly, by all cities of this province. We will see what will come of it. The states will reconvene a week from tomorrow. RC ( Adams Papers ). This...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; draft: National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum <Brest, August 30, 1778: My friend M. de la Porte, intendant, has now agreed to furnish a vessel and send the Ranger ’s prisoners to England, if you consent. This offer is too generous to refuse. The guard will be discontinued unless you procure an order from the minister. As for the...
The peculiar situation of American affairs renders it necessary to adopt every measure that will engage people in the service. The danger and hardships that those are subject to who engage in the service, more than those who do not, is obvious to every body which has the least Acquaintance with service, tis that which makes it so difficult to recruit. The large force that is coming against...
I will not omit any opportunity of writing tho ever so great an uncertainty whether it will ever reach your Hand. My Unkle Smith has a vessel bound to Calis, he advises me to write, and I most willingly comply tho my Faith in the conveyance is but poor—indeed I have lost my Faith with my Spirits. My Friends assure me from their observations that you must have had a good passage. God grant it I...
Votre Lettre à l’Ambr. du 25 Nov. lui est bien parvenue. Il n’étoit pas en ville à son arrivée; et voilà ce qui a causé quelque retard à sa réponse, de même les occupations qu’il a trouvées à l’occasion de la garantie de l’Emprunt résolue Lundi dernier unanimement. Au reste cette Négociation est déjà remplie; et nombre de Rentiers lambins se gratent la tête présentement, d’être venu trop tard...
I read to Count Vergennes that which concerns the Count d’Estaing in the note with which you honored me. He recommended that I mention it in my journal. But it will have to appear in the number after that which will appear tomorrow. I have also included an English piece—signed Fire and Sword, which should amuse you. I am, with respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant, I am...
The 2 instant at night we began a cannonade and bombardment upon the Enemy, and continued it three nights successively; on the 4th at night we threw up works upon the heights on Dorchester Point. The next morning the Pirates in Boston and in the Harbour appeared to be in great agitation, and every day and night since have been preparing (according to our observations, and the information from...
I shall make no apology for troubling you, Sir, as you have been so Kind as to grant me that liberty. I hope you received by Mr. Celesia my preceeding letter of 19th. August, inclosed in which there was one for the Govr. of Virginia numbered 21. You will find here the following, numbered 22, which I beg you to peruse, and forward to its destination. You will see by it that after Mr. Celesia...
J’ai écrit amplement au Bourguemaitre Hooft touchant la Situation des affaires dans cette Province, avec priere de Vous en donner Communication. Les Villes ont pris de bonnes Resolutions. Mais je Suis encore incertain au Sujet des Nobles. Mecredi, a eu juger par les apparences et quelques informations, ils etoient peu disposés a reconnoitre L’independance. Mais il ÿ eu qui croient quils ont...
I most heartily and sincerely Congratulate your Excellency on the Events of Friday and saturday last, and I rejoice the more because you are destined to reap the fruits of what you have sown with so much industry and attention. I am persuaded you are now rewarded for the Exercise of patience which you have Exhibited on this occasion, and I hope an agreeable prospect is now opened for the...
Although indisposition and absence may have frustrated our wishes of being first in paying Your Excellency an homage in which our Country partakes so much of, by the success of your negotiations we trust to your Excellencys indulgence for being Satisfied with this apology, and tho’ late, that you will accept of this tribute which yeilds to none in sincerity. Our wishes are in nothing more...
The week after Mr. C—— was appointed secretary, I saw the P.S. of a letter to Mr. S.A. in which he is said to be a very unworthy person, but he has so good a Character in the estimation of Congress and from Maryland Gentlemen, that I did not think proper to move for a power of Suspension to be given to the Commissioners, as I find it is the opinion of some here that the secretary should be...
C’est avec baucoup de Satisfaction que J’ai L’honneur de m’acquitter de la Commission dont Les Etats d’Hollande et de West Frise viennent de me chargee en vous faisant parvenir, Monsieur, une Copie de La resolution que Leurs Nobles et Grandes Puissances ont prises avanthier au sujet de vottre Admission comme Envoyé des Etats Unis de L’Amerique.
We now send your Excellency’s Accounts after having deducted the Dutch consuls’ at plymouth for his advances to the prisoners You were pleased to give us a list of except £5:5: Stlgs. thereof as you desired, reserving to ourselves the remainder of those charges. The Ballance of these Accounts is now f3772:17: 8 in our favour. We beg leave to add thereto the Inclosed and to assure you that we...
I am advised from very good authority that the Emperor is desirous of entering into a Treaty of Commerce with the United States of Am a. , on terms of equality & mutual advantage, therefore shall be much obliged to you for informing me if there is any person in Europe authoriz’d by Congress to enter into such a Treaty with his Imperial Majesty. Altho’ I have no doubt of your being well...
ALS : Harvard University Library <Bordeaux, May 8, 1778: Vessels from Georgia have arrived with news that a shipment of specie had been landed from Havana; the state’s currency is greatly inflated. Friends in Cadiz write that the government is making it difficult for them to sell Conyngham’s prizes, and ask whether the ships might be addressed to me; what am I to tell them? I assume from your...
I trouble your Excellency at this Time to transcribe the following Letter “sent by Person of some Distinction at Paris to a Man not less so in London” the Copy of which I have just now receivd. “Nous ne donnons pas á Monsieur Ad: une Confiance bien aveuglé; et ce n’est pas sans cause quils ont mis autour de lui des Hommes, qui l’Observent, on le croit honnête; on le scait ardent; inflex­ ible...
You being President of the board of War, I make bold to ask a favour of you. I have the care of all Military Stores under The Honble. General Ward, as you will se by my return of the 2d. Instant. My pay is not fixt, and I know of no better method to get it done than by making application to The Honble. board. I have not the Pleasure to be personaly acquainted with you, yet hope you’l excuse...