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    • Adams, John
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    • Revolutionary War


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Adams, John" AND Period="Revolutionary War" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 451-460 of 3,184 sorted by relevance
Monsieur Le Cte. D’orvilliers m’a renvoyé la lettre que vous lui avez ecrite au Sujet des Matelots Américains qui peuvent Se trouver à bord du Vaisseau le fier Rodrigue. Empressé d’aller au devant de tout cequi peut concerner le Service des Etats unis de L’Amérique, et particulierement de cequi peut être agréable à Votre Excellence, j’ai Sur le champ marqué au Capitaine du Vaisseau Le fier...
We duly received your most esteem’d favour of the 10th. of this month to us in particular, and to our Society with Messrs. Willinks and de La Lande & fynje. About the latter we’ll have a conversation this evening, and give your Exce. a proper answer probably to morrow. In the mean time we most humbly thank your Excellency in our particular for the kind assurances, which you are pleased to give...
I must beg the Liberty of introducing to your acquaintance, Capt. Harry G. Livingston of New York. He is a young Gentleman who has not been sparing of his Time nor fortune in the publick Service. He is recommended by the provincial Congress of New York as a Lieut. Colonel. There are few young Gentlemen better qualified than he is, as he has been indefatigable in acquiring the military Art...
I have found a little Inconvenience in having nobody here on the Spot, that I could call my Guardian. I spoke to Doctor Franklin of it who directed me to write to you and to inform you that if you would agree to it he would take me under his Care. I receiv’d the other Day a Letter from my Grandpappa in which he told me that my Father had sent you a large Remittance which if you receive and...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 21 de ce mois. Je me rappelle très bien de vous avoir dit que votre présentation seroit insérée dans la gazette de France; Mais d’après les informations que j’ai prises, je me suis convaincu que jamais les présentations, soit des ambassadeurs, soit des Ministres Plénipotentiaires, n’ont été annoncées dans notre...
The Committee of the corporate Body of Merchants, Manufacturers and Traders of this City have charged me, as their Counsel, to present Your Excellency with two printed Copies of the Petition, they have put up Monday last to the Great-Council of Leyden, in order to pray for the conclusion of commercial connexions with the United-States of America. They hope, Your Excellency will accept those...
Your Favor per Dr. Jackson of the 7 Instant came to hand this day. It gives me pleasure that you are upon the Committee to consider of further Regulations of the Post Office. Previous to the Regulations in the Office which took place the 5th. of October 1776, the Posts from the Southward and elsewhere arrived as punctually on the Days fixed as they were ever known to do. What Instructions the...
This letter is only to confirm yesterday’s letter and the fact that everything is moving forward. This morning I saw the ambassador who treated me very graciously and with charming good humor. He thinks, as does our friend, that it would be appropriate for you to be here for a few days, not to take any action, but rather just to present yourself without any affectation. A secret dispatch by a...
You have desired, sir, that as soon as I should be arrived at Versailles, I should communicate to the Comte de Vergennes the disposition you have to take a step that has been recommended by several well intentioned members of the States of Holland, and that I should give him to understand at the same time the resolution which you have taken to abstain from it, if he disapproves it. That...
I trouble your Excellency with This to inform your Excellency, that I receved this Day the Bill of £10. on London to be applied to the Relief of five poor American Citizens. I shall write to my Friend for that purpose by the next Post. But shall not send the Bill yet, as I see that it appears on the face of it, that the value of it was paid by your Excellency, whose Name, however honored by...