James Madison Papers
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To James Madison from James Maury, 3 May 1809

From James Maury

Liverpool 3 May 1809

Dear Sir,

I beg leave to present you my congratulations on your becoming president of the United States, hoping you will experience that comfort in the office, which those, who undertake so arduous an one under the influence of such motives as your’s, so highly merit.

The partial repeal of the Embargo law was indeed very unexpected in this country; but the late revocation of the orders in council has been still more so.1

These changes have already reduced the prices of Cotton & Tobaccoe to about pence standard.

In answer to what you say about the trifle due me for the cheese, you may order it to be paid to Mr Benjn Day of Fredericksburg.

I present you my best wishes & have the honor to be with great esteem & respect Your most obt Servt

James Maury2

Best Sea I[s]land Cotton from 5/9 2/6
" " Upland " 3/ 1/2
" Stemed Tobo " 2/6 9
" Leaf   " " 2/3 7

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Maury erred in assuming the orders in council had been revoked. The Erskine-Madison agreement provided for withdrawal of the orders on 10 June 1809, but they were not revoked until June 1812 (to be effective 1 Aug. 1812) after the U.S. had already declared war on Great Britain (Perkins, Prologue to War, pp. 212–14, 336–37 and n. 71).

2James Maury (1746–1840), a native of Fredericksburg, was a merchant and U.S. consul at Liverpool, 1790–1830. He marketed JM’s tobacco crops in England (PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (1st ser., vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77, vols. 11–, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , 1:114 n. 8).

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