James Madison Papers
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To James Madison from Alexander J. Dallas, 8 July 1816

From Alexander J. Dallas

8 July 1816.

Dear Sir.

The Act of the 30. of April 1816 appropriates 250,000 Dollars for Custom-House establishments.1 It will, probably, be a sum sufficient for the five principal commercial Cities; but I have not received satisfactory information from any Collector, but the Collector of Boston, upon whose report I now transmit to you an official statement,2 which you will be so good as to return with your directions subjoined.

This opportunity is taken to place before you the reccommendations for Mr. Plumer and Mr. Wentworth,3 as Candidates for the vacant Loan Office. I do not hear of any other name; and, on the whole, I think the weight of reccommendation is in favor of Mr. Plumer. I am, Dear Sir, most respectfully & faithfully, Yr obed Serv

A. J. Dallas

RC (CSmH).

1Dallas referred to section 8 of “An Act to allow drawback of duties on spirits distilled and sugar refined within the United States, and for other purposes” (U.S. Statutes at Large description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America […] (17 vols.; Boston, 1848–73). description ends , 3:338, 340).

2Not found.

3The letters of application and recommendation for the years 1809–17 contain no letters written on behalf of “Wentworth.”

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