Adams Papers
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To John Adams from Cotton Tufts, 20 April 1803

Hingham April 20th. 1803

Receieved by Cotton Tufts of the Honble John Adams Esq. Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three Cents in full for one years Interest on his Note of hand given to me <April 1802>—Quincy Thaxter and endorsed by him to us Said Note bearing Date March 29. 1802

Elizabeth Thaxter

Hannah Thaxter

Celia Thaxter

Hingham April 20th. 1803

Received by Cotton Tufts of the Honbl. John Adams Esq. Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three Cents being in full for one years Interest on said Adams’s Note given to me <April> March 29th 1802—

Celia Thaxter

Hingham April 20th. 1803

Received by Cotton Tufts of Honble John Adams, Esq. Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three Cents being in full for one years Interest on his Note of hand given to me <April> March 29th 1802—

Elizabeth Thaxter

Hingham April 20 1803

Received by Cotton Turts of the Honble. John Adams Esq. Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three Cents being in full for one Years Interest on his Note given to me <April> March 29th 1802—tab

Hannah Thaxter

MHi: Adams Papers.

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