Alexander Hamilton Papers
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To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Phelps and Robert Gilchrist, 28 April 1801

From Oliver Phelps and Robert Gilchrist1

New York, April 28, 1801. Encloses “a Deed of conveyance bearing equal date with this Letter, made by Oliver Phelps to Robert Gilchrist for three equal undivided Eighth parts of a tract of Land containing nine thousand and Six hundred acres, by the award or appointment of Alexander Hamilton, David A. Ogden and Thomas Cooper.”2 States: “This conveyance you will hold as Escrow to be returned to Mr Phelps upon payment by him to Mr Gilchrist of the Sum of Seven thousand four hundred thirty nine 13/00 Dollars on or before the fourth day of July next ensuing.”

Copy, MS Division, New York Public Library.

1Phelps was a land speculator in upstate New York, and Gilchrist was a resident of Westchester County, New York.

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