Benjamin Franklin Papers
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To Benjamin Franklin from William Strahan, [29 November? 1769]

From William Strahan

AL: American Philosophical Society

New Street Wednesday past 8 [November 29, 1769?7]

Mr. Strahan presents his kindest Respects to Dr. Franklin, expected to have had the Pleasure of his Company to day to Dinner, and to have seen His Paper he knows of. If it is now done, he will please send it by the Bearer; if not, will be obliged to him to let him know when he may expect it.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / at Mrs Stevenson’s / Craven Street

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7This note refers to a paper of BF’s, perhaps not yet finished, which Strahan is eager to have at the earliest moment. The strong probability, we believe, is that that paper was BF’s reply to his queries, printed above under Nov. 29, in which case it and this note may have crossed.

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