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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Author="Washington, George" AND Period="Washington Presidency"
Results 3251-3300 of 3,882 sorted by recipient
3251Executive Order, 22 January 1793 (Washington Papers)
By the President, of the United States of America. An Act making alterations in the arrangements...
3252[Diary entry: 18 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
18th. Wind at No. Et. and raing. all day. In the Night Snow abt. one inch thick fell.
3253[Diary entry: 8 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
8. Snow 4 Inches deep fell in the Night & continued Spitting until 10 or 11 Oclock—then cleared &...
3254[Diary entry: 22 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
22. Snow abt. 2 Inches deep fell in the Night—forenoon cloudy; afternoon clear. Wind westerly.
3255[Diary entry: 12 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
12. Clear and warmer than yesterday—Wind more South.
3256[Diary entry: 27 April 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 27th. Had some conversation with Mr. Madison on the propriety of consulting the Senate on...
3257[Diary entry: 2 April 1796] (Washington Papers)
2. Hazy & smoaky—very little wind & that westerly. In the night a little rain.
3258[Diary entry: 30 June 1790] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. Recd. from the Committee of Enrollment the following Acts. viz. “An act providing...
3259[Diary entry: 15 April 1795] (Washington Papers)
15. Do. Roger’s Susqa. rogers’s susqa : John Rodgers (see 7 May 1775) had died in 1791 and his...
3260[Diary entry: 1 July 1790] (Washington Papers)
Thursday July 1st. Exercised between 5 and 7 Oclock on Horseback. Announced to the House of...
3261[Diary entry: 24 August 1795] (Washington Papers)
24. Do. Do. with sunshine & showers.
3262[December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Decr. 1st. A pretty full Levee to day—among the Visitors was the Vice President and all...
3263[Diary entry: 4 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
4. Do. Do. Much such a day as yester.
3264[Diary entry: 15 January 1797] (Washington Papers)
15. Wind at So. Wt. mild & pleasant. [36]
3265[Diary entry: 5 February 1797] (Washington Papers)
5. Clear & pleasant with the Wind Westerly. Mery. 28. Morn.
3266[Diary entry: 1 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 1st. Exercised in my Carriage in the forenoon. The following company dined here to day....
3267[Diary entry: 30 April 1791] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 30th. Crossed the Waggamaw to George town by descending the River three miles. At this...
By the P RESIDENT of the United States of America. A Proclamation. WHEREAS by information given...
3269[Diary entry: 14 May 1791] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 14th. A little after 6 Oclock, in Company with Genl. McIntosh Genl. Wayne the Mayor and...
3270[Diary entry: 4 June 1791] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 4th. Left Mr. Gatewoods about half after Six oclock and between his house & the Ferry...
3271[Diary entry: 27 May 1796] (Washington Papers)
27th. Thick morning, with some drops of Rain. Wind Easterly. About 9 Oclock the Wind Shifted to...
3272[Diary entry: 24 January 1790] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 24th. Went to St. Pauls Chapel in the forenoon. Writing private letters in the afternoon.
3273[Diary entry: 17 June 1796] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear all day and very warm—especially in the afternoon.
3274[Diary entry: 14 February 1790] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 14th. At home all day—writing private letters to Virginia.
3275[Diary entry: 31 May 1796] (Washington Papers)
31. Variable—with rain at times and wind at So. West.
3276Proclamation, 17 October 1791 (Washington Papers)
The President of the United States doth hereby order and direct that the sale of Lots in the City...
3277[Diary entry: 4 March 1790] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 4th. Sat from 9 until half after 10 Oclk. for Mr. Trumbull. The following Gentlemen...
3278[Diary entry: 21 June 1796] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear and warm all day and but little wind.
3279[Diary entry: 24 October 1795] (Washington Papers)
24. Variable—sometimes cloudy.
3280[Diary entry: 17 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
17. Do. at No. Et. Cloudy forenoon clear aft.
3281[Diary entry: 7 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
7. Cool morning—fresh No. Wind all day.
3282[Diary entry: 4 November 1795] (Washington Papers)
4. Clear & pleasant. Wind Westerly. The whole Month of November has been remarkable pleasant. The...
3283[Diary entry: 21 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
21. Do. Do. Very warm Morng. & day.
If the President of the United States should be able to commence his tour through the Southern...
3285[Diary entry: 11 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
11. Wind at No. Et. & fresh but very wa[rm].
3286[Diary entry: 15 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
15th. Left Philaa. with Mrs. Washington & my family for Mt. Vernon. Dined at Chester & lodged at...
3287[Diary entry: 12 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
12th. Octr. Having settled these Matters, seen the Troops off, as before mentioned; given them...
3288[Diary entry: 16 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
16th. After an early breakfast we set out for Cumberland—and about 11 Oclock arrived there. Three...
3289[Diary entry: 26 November 1789] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 26th. Being the day appointed for a thanksgiving I went to St. Pauls Chapel though it...
3290[Diary entry: 16 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 16th. Dined with Mrs. Washington and all the family (except the two Children) at...
3291[Diary entry: 30 November 1789] (Washington Papers)
Monday 30th. Went to the Play in the Evening and presented Tickets to the following...
3292[Diary entry: 20 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 20th. Went to St. Pauls Chapel in the forenoon.
3293[Diary entry: 21 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Monday 21st. Left Philadelphia about 11 O’clock to make a tour through the Southern States....
3294[Diary entry: 24 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
24. Cold & towards evening lowering & likely for Snow. Wind at No. Wt.
I am again called upon, by the voice of my country, to execute the functions of its Chief...
3296[Diary entry: 14 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
14. Lowering ⟨ ⟩ likely to rain with the Wind in the same place. Cloudy more or less all day.
3297[Diary entry: 29 April 1790] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 29th. Received from the joint Committee of Congress two Acts for my approbation &...
3298[Diary entry: 4 April 1796] (Washington Papers)
4. Same wind & weather as yesterday.
The Secretary of War respectfully submits to the President of the United States the following...
3300[Diary entry: 17 April 1795] (Washington Papers)
17. Bladensburgh.