
  • Author

    • Washington, George
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    • Gates, Horatio
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    • Revolutionary War

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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Recipient="Gates, Horatio" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 151-160 of 185 sorted by author
I think it necessary to inform you by the return of the express who brought your packet for Congress, that I am now with the main body of the army within ten miles of Coryells ferry. General Lee is advanced with six brigades, and will cross to-night, or early to-morrow morning—By the last intelligence the enemy were near Mount-Holly, and moving on very slowly—but as there are so many roads...
[ Philadelphia ] August 4, 1777. Forwards Congress’ appointment of Gates to the command of Northern Department. LS , in writing of H, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
I have been favoured with your two Letters of to day, (one inclosing a return) for which I thank you. I am now about Six miles from where the Court House at the plains was, & shall set out immediately for Reuben Rights, which will be my Quarters for the present. I am Sir Yr Most Obedt servt LS , in the writing of Robert Hanson Harrison, NHi : Gates Papers. The letter enclosing a return has not...
I have to acknowledge the due receipt of your two favors both of the 12th instant, and their several inclosures. The paragraph in your letter relative to money for paying off the Troops I have transmitted to Congress. I herewith send you a resolution of Congress of the 14th on the case of Major Harnage and Capt. Hawker of the Convention Troops with which you will be pleased to make him...
Since I wrote to you last I have recd accounts from New York which I think may be depended upon that the greatest part if not the whole of that Garrison are upon the point of embarking. A considerable number had embarked. Upwards of one hundred sail of square rigged Vessels besides a great number of Sloops and schooners fell down to the Hook on the 16th and 17th. Under these circumstances I...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May [ 8–9 ] 1779 . Reports that Colonel Armand is recruiting in the eastern states. Asks Gates to furnish Armand with orders for clothing for the men recruited. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is endorsed twice, once as May 8 and again as May 9.
The Honorable Continental Congress reposing the greatest Confidence in your Wisdom & Experience have directed me to appoint you to the very important Command of the Troops of the United Colonies in Canada: with a Power to appoint a Deputy Adjutant General, a Deputy Quarter Master General[,] a Deputy Muster Master General & such other Officers as you shall find necessary for the Good of the...
The Bearer Monsr Portail is appointed by Congress Colonel of Engineers, and is recommended as a Man of Abilities in his profession. As there is no occasion for him here at present, I have desired him and the Gentleman who accompanies him, who is also of the Corps of Engineers, to return to Philada. They may assist you and Genl Mifflin in viewing the Grounds upon the West Side of Delaware and...
Camp near Germantown [ Pennsylvania ] August 6, 1777. Notifies Gates that De Malmady has been given permission to serve under Gates in Northern Department. LS , in the writing of H, New-York Historical Society, New York City François, Marquis de Malmady, was a colonel in the Continental Army.
Since I wrote You on the 18th I have received a Letter from Genl Muhlenberg of the 11th transmitting me a List of the Officers mentioned below, belonging to Colo. Gist’s Regiment, who were omitted in the Return he sent me before —and in consequence were not included in the Arrangement intended to take place for the present with respect to the Virginia Drafts, which I inclosed You. These...