George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 18 April 1760]

Friday April 18th. Righted up all my Fencing.

Planted other Pine Trees in the Fencd place at the Cornr. of the Garden the first being broke, and much hurt by Creatures.

Began Sowing my Clovr. and got 4 Acres sowd 14 lb. to the Acre. Harrowd it in with the fine toothd Harrow as light as I coud.

Tryd my Roller wch. find much too light.

Sowd 69 Rows more of Lucerne which makes 87 in all.

Got my Cloaths &ca. packd up for my Journey to Williamsburg tomorrow.

Mr. Barnes’s Davy brot. home my Negroe fellow Boson who Ran away on Monday last.

Davy was one of Abraham Barnes’s slaves. In 1760 Boson was assigned to the Mount Vernon quarter called Williamson’s. GW today paid Davy 10s. for taking up Boson (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 89). For colonial Virginia slaves who “ran away” from their masters, see MULLIN description begins Gerald W. Mullin. Flight and Rebellion: Slave Resistance in Eighteenth-Century Virginia. New York, 1972. description ends .

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