Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard Peyton, [ca. 17 June 1822]


Account with Bernard Peyton

[ca. 17 June 1822]

Bill for £293.12.6 at par is $1305. 00
add 9 pr Ct prmm on exchge 117. 45
paid for the bill $1,422. 45
my Comssn 1 pr ct 14. 22
Total cost— $1,436. 67
At debit T. Jefferson $488.80 }
 〃 〃 University 947.87 1,436. 67
Bill on New York for $125 
add premm 1½ pr ct 1. 88
At debit T.J. $126. 88
Bill on Philada $180, on Marseilles1 is $196. 20
add 1½ pr ct prm. on Philada 2. 96 2
$199. 16
At debit T. Jefferson $152.07 }
 〃 〃 T. J. Randolph 47.09 199. 16

MS (MHi); in Peyton’s hand; conjoined with covering letter; undated.

1Preceding two words interlined (with latter editorially corrected from “Merseilles”) in place of “add 9 pr ct prmm.”

2The correct amount is $2.94.

Index Entries

  • Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and University of Virginia search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (1792–1875) (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); orders food and wine from Europe search
  • wine; for T. J. Randolph search