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I declind answering your letter, untill I could obtain some details, which were material, in relation to its object. The interest, which you take, in favor of persons a family, with whom you are so closely connected, & with whose merit, you are so well acquainted, commands my great high respect & warm approbation, and it would give me much great satisfaction, if circumstances permitted, an...
The fatigue of my late journey and some concerns which require immidiate attention will deprive me of the pleasure of being at Monticello till after the arrival of Mr. Madison which will be on Wednesday—Unless the funeral of his brother should detain him longer, which however is not expected. I send you the Fredbg. paper containing the proceeding there, which terminated in a recommendation to...
I received yesterday a note from Mr. Fox appointing to-morrow (Saturday 19.) for an interview with which I shall of course comply. I met him afterwards and had a conversation with him in the Queen’s drawingroom, which being of an interesting nature, I hasten to Communicate to you. He took me a side and observed that we must now Soon Settle our business. I replied that I hoped he was ready to...
Sometime since I was appointed of the Committee to attend the Pena. Assembly, contrary to my wishes, & not being able to extricate myself (having apologiz’d in the first instance upon Mrs. Monroe’s indisposition which was not admitted in expectation of her better health) am now under the necessity of attending. The question was not as I suppos’d taken upon the whole report of the Committee of...
I returned yesterday from Loudoun, rather injur’d than benefitted by the trip. The slightest exposure, since my late indisposition produces cold & fever, both of which I have suffer’d in my absence. I found our daughter sick of the epidemick, & mrs. M. not much improvd in her health. These circumstances will keep us longer here than we had intended & expected. I had the pleasure to receive...
We avail ourselves of the opportunity afforded by the return of the schooner Revenge to give you a brief account of the transactions of the joint mission from the time of Mr. Purviance’s arrival in England until the receipt of intelligence here of the late outrage in the American seas upon the sovereignty of our country. Your letter of the day of May was delivered to us on the day of July and...
We have the Honor to transmit inclosed a Duplicate of our joint Letter to you by Dr. Bullus, together with a Copy of the project of alterations to which it refers and which could not be prepared in Time to be sent with the original. We also enclose a printed Copy of the act of Parliament relative to an Intercourse by Sea between the United States & the British North American Colonies, of which...
Mr. Purviance to whom we commit the treaty which we have lately concluded with the British government will have the pleasure to deliver you this with our publick dispatch. He acted as Secretary to the commission in the late negotiation, the duties of which office, which were laborious, he discharged in every respect intirely to our satisfaction. We had equal proof in the course of this...
We flattered ourselves at the date of our last dispatch which was of September the 11th., that we should have been able to have concluded a Treaty with the British Commissioners and to have transmitted it to you before this, on all the interesting topicks which are embraced by our instructions, and on terms that would be approved by our government. The disposition which had been shewn by the...
We have the pleasure to acquaint you that we have this day agreed with the British Commissioners to Conclude a Treaty on all the points which have formed the object of our negotiation, and on terms which we trust our government will approve. It will require only a few days to reduce it to form. When that is done we shall transmit it to you by a special messenger. We hasten to communicate to...
In our publick communications we have been so full that little is left to be added here. I inclose you a letter open addressed to Genl. Mason, W. C. Nicholas & Mr. Breckinridge containing a statment of facts relative to what has occurr’d here which I have thought it proper to put under yr. controul. You may either deliver or retain it to be returned to me when I get back to America....
I omitted in my last letter to state to you that in the publication of our late correspondence, some few verbal alterations had been made in my letter of March 22d. & a short passage omitted. In speaking of special missions it stands in the publication that they were never well received &c. I think I substituted to those terms the word “agreable” in the letter; and towards the conclusion the...
By my letter of yesterday you will find that the business is at an end with this government & that it only remains for me to take leave of the court & withdraw from Spain. Before I do this I shall see the Prince of peace & also Genl. Beurnonville, the latter to day, as I dine with him, the former as soon after his return from Madrid as possible. He returns to morrow. Mr. Pinckney who has...
We do ourselves the honor to enclose you a copy of the treaty which we lately concluded with the British commissioners. The original was forwarded yesterday by Mr Purviance who sailed in the enterprise from this port for New York. We send this copy to Mr Maury to be forwarded to you by the first safe opportunity from Liverpool. We have requested him to instruct the Captain of the vessel to...
I send you a letter from our ministers lately in London, and some from mr. Beasly, and a very important one from Mr Gallatin. Two letters from mr Crawford, the last of may 12., will be decypherd, & sent you, as soon as done. From what I see of these communications, we may expect that the British govt. will assume very high pretentions, in the negotiation, & that none of the other powers will...
The arrangment for the negotiations at St. Petersburg being compleated, I have the pleasure to apprize you of it, as that there will Still be time, to enable you to write to your son, by the vessel which takes his Colleagues there. The occasion was thought to be of that high importance, to require, according to the usage of our government, a special mission of three. Mr Gallatin & Mr Bayard...
Nothing new has occurrd since mine of yesterday. I have yours of the 5th. Mr Eustis has been with me, & we have communicated on the subject of yours to him. He expresses a strong desire for me to take the command, & thinks that a volunteer comn., would serve the purpose. We will confer fully on this subject to day, and come to a decision, and by to morrow’s mail you shall have the result. The...
Yours of the 5th. has been receivd, in which you intimate the expectation, of receiving by the mail of that day, a letter from Judge Brooke. I indulged a hope of receiving one from him, about that time, containing the official notification of our nomination, but instead thereof, I recd. a private one, apprizing me of his arrival in Richmond, and that he should write me, the official note, as...
The minister of France intending himself the honor of paying his respects to you at your residence in Virginia, I have taken the liberty to assure him of the pleasure it would afford you to receive him. He expects to set out this evening, & I avail myself of the opportunity of assuring you of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be your very obt servant RC ( DLC : Rives...
Being desirous, on account of their equivocal complection, to examine into the suggestions which had been made us respecting the motive for the confinement and proposed enlargement of James Reynolds, from the jail of this city, and inclined to suspect, for the same reason, that, unless it were immediately done, the opportunity would be lost, as we were taught to suspect he would leave the...
Although the negotiation with which we are charged with the Government of Spain is only in the earliest stage, yet we consider it our duty to communicate to you what has passed on that interesting subject, by the safe opportunity furnished by Mr. Gorham, who leaves Madrid to Morrow for the United States. As soon as the Mission Extraordinary was received by the King, & we were apprized by Mr....
We had the honor to receive on the 27th. of last month your letter of the 18th. of March, to which the detailed explanations contained in our letters of the 22d. & 25th. ulto. render any particular reply unnecessary. We transmit enclosed a statement of the American prize causes for hearing in the high court of Appeals. That which was forwarded by Mr. Purviance was very hastily prepared by...
We had the honor to receive your letter of February 3d. on the 6th. instant, and are now to give you a detail of the measures we have pursued in obedience to the instructions it communicated. To enable you to form a just idea of those measures it will be proper to state concisely what had occurred at the time of receiving your letter, after the departure of Mr. Purviance, with the treaty and...
Our first meeting with Lord Holland and Lord Auckland took place in Downing Street on the 22. of August. This Date is erroneous; the first meeting took place on the 27th. After the usual exchange of powers we stated at their request the objects of our mission, and the general nature of the stipulations by which we expected them to be provided for. They took minutes of what was said by us for...
We had the honor to inform you in our letter of the 22d. instant that, the British Commissioners having proposed to us to endeavour to ajust the terms of a supplemental convention relative to boundary, to a trade by sea between the United States and the British northern colonies, and to the subjects reserved for future explanation by the 2d. article of our treaty, we had resumed our...
I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 11th. ulto. on the 25. by Mr. Prentis. I find by it that the measure of a special mission to this country was likely to be adopted, on the subject of our affrs. depending with it. Should that have been the case I beg you to be assured that I will do every thing in my power to give it effect. It is certainly my desire to get home as soon as I can...
I have been favored with yours of the 4th. and shall observe the instruction respecting the fund in the hands of Mr. Pope by directing its immediate application to Mr. Barrett. In my last I made some observations evincing the propriety and policy of our neutrality in the present European war, but as that sentiment appears to be general, I refer to it now only as a proof that it is likewise...
It was our wish to have given a joint answer with Mr. Venable to your favor of the 5th. instant concerning the publication of the proceedings in an enquiry in which we were jointly engaged with him in 1792, respecting an affair between yourself & Mr. Reynolds & into which, from the circumstances attending it, we deemed it our duty to enquire. His departure however for Virginia precludes the...
We have the Honor to transmit enclosed a Duplicate of our letter of the 3d. Instant, in which several Errors of some importance which found their way into the first hasty copy of our draft, are corrected. Some of these errors were mentioned in our letter of the Instant, of which also a copy is enclosed. The others, of which the most material occurs in the explanations on the subject of Export...
We have the honor to transmit herewith enclosed a duplicate of our last under date of the 11th. instant. Some circumstances have since occurred with which it is proper that you should be made acquainted. On the 13th. we dined with Lord Grenville at his house in Downing Street, where we met the Lord Chancellor, Lord Howick, Lord Auckland, Marquis Wellesley, Lord Holland, Mr Erskine and several...
We had the honor to receive your letter of May 20th. by Mr. Purviance on the 16th. instant. The view it takes of the treaty which we signed with the British Comrs. on the 31. of Decr. last, of which he was the bearer, engages our constant attention, and it shall be the object of our most zealous exertions to obtain the amendments which are contemplated by our present instructions. The moment...
Being informed yesterday in the morning, that a person, of the name of Reynolds, from Virginia, Richmond, was confined in the jail, upon some criminal prosecution, relative to certificates, and that he had intimated, he could give some intelligence of speculations by Mr. Hamilton, which should be known, we immediately called on him, as well to be informed of the situation of the man, as of...
3 March 1813, Department of State. “The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives of 1st. Instant, has the honor to submit to the President the enclosed papers marked A & B.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Monroe. For enclosures, see n. 1. The House resolution of 1 Mar. 1813,...
Your letter of the 20th. instant reached me yesterday morning. The subject which it presents to my view is highly interesting, and has received all the consideration which so short a time has enabled me to bestow on it. My wish to give you an early answer, in complyance with your request, has induc’d me to use all the dispatch which the delicacy & importance of the subject would permit. The...
We had the pleasure to write to you by Mr. Gorham on the 2nd. of Feby. and to transmit a copy of our first note to Mr. Cevallos, and of the Project which we presented him for the adjustment of all differences between the U. States and Spain, as also of his answer to it, which we had then just received. We now forward the sequel of the correspondence, by which it appears that we are as distant...
The subject in which we have been engaged, is so fully before you in our publick communications, that there remains only one point for us to make any remarks on to you in a private one; that is, what will be best for our government to do in the present unexpected and disagreable business. We do presume that it will be impossible to leave it in its present state. The injuries which our people...
We are sorry to inform you that the negotiation with which we were charged by the President with the government of Spain is concluded, after failing in all its objects, notwithstanding our unwearied and laborious exertions for so great a length of time, to procure to it a different result. We have heretofore availed ourselves of such opportunities as offered to transmit you copies of the...
You will have been surprised at not hearing from us sooner on the business confided to us under the commission with which we are honored by the President. The delay proceeded from a desire to give you some satisfactory information of our progress in it, which it was not in our power to do. It happen’d unfortunately just about the time of mr. Pinkney’s arrival on the 24th. ulto., that mr Fox...
We have the pleasure to transmit you a copy of a Note from Mr. Fox of yesterday which announces the appointment of Lords Holland and auckland to meet us on the subjects which are embraced by our joint Commission. We flatter ourselves that we shall enter on this business in the course of a few days, and that we shall be able in a short time afterwards to speak with some confidence of the...
We have the pleasure to inform you that we concluded a treaty of amity navigation and commerce with the British government on the 31st. ult, and that Mr Purviance sailed with the treaty for the United States on the 11 instant. The interval has been laboriously employed in performing certain duties incident to that event, & especially in preparing our dispatch to our government. We seize the...
We have the honor to transmit you a Treaty which we concluded with the British Commissioners on the 31st. of December. Altho’ we had entertained great confidence from the commencement of the negotiation, that such would be it’s result, it was not untill the 27th. that we were able to make any satisfactory arrangement of several of the most important points that were involved in it. On the next...
It was intimated to us by Sir Francis Vincent, soon after the date of our last, that, as the state of Mr. Fox’s health was not likely soon to permit him to attend to us on the subjects of our mission, Lord Grenville would be asked to communicate with us in his stead; and Sir Francis promised that he would endeavour without loss of time to arrange with Lord Grenville to that effect. On the...
mr Poinsett , whose name & character are I presume well known to you will have the pleasure of giving you this introduction. He was employd very usefully in S o America , several years, under mr Madison , & had previously travelled thro’ most of the European countries & particularly Russia , by whose Sovereign he was known, & treated with much attention. I expected to have presented him...