
  • Author

    • Coxe, Tench
  • Recipient

    • Madison, James


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Documents filtered by: Author="Coxe, Tench" AND Recipient="Madison, James"
Results 91-120 of 167 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote you a note by yesterdays mail, without signature, date of place or year, putting at foot...
In the present critical state of our affairs, I take the liberty to offer to your consideration a...
I received yesterday the letter you did me the honor to transmit of the 27th. March. Its contents...
I add to the paper No. 1 the two inclosed papers. You will excuse their rough form and the...
Since I had the honor to address you on the India trade, I am informed, that Great Britain has...
I was lately informed by a gentleman, who I suppose has conversed on the matter with you, that...
I received this day three letters of various dates from my brother in Law Mr. Charles Davenport...
(Private) There are many symptoms of foreign and domestic eagerness upon the subject of the...
I am honored with your letter containing the communication of the 5th. Jany. 1804 and the other...
I feel very happy in the effect upon many well disposed men, not attached to the administration,...
In the present serious posture of affairs, it has appeared to me that the state of the public...
The meeting held here this day has gone off tranquilly. A set of resolutions were adopted the...
A british armed brig of 10 guns, & I believe about 250 Tons has been this afternoon crippled &...
I have sent to our greater seaports from New Orleans to Portsmouth N. H. to different friends,...
The proclamation is well received here by a very large proportion of the community. It is however...
I have been requested to transmit to you the papers in relation to Mr. William Griffith...
A case of so much importance to the U. S. has occurred here, that I do myself the honor to...
An original letter from a house of the first character in Liverpool, of the 7th. Ulto. is now in...
I understand to day that the coming out of Lord Selkirk is certain, and that he is to come in the...
As I conceive it may be useful, and I feel it to be proper that the Government should know of the...
This letter goes to you as a citizen. I have no copy of it, or the paper it encloses. If that...
To James Madison, Esquire, Secretary of State the memorial & petition of Tench Coxe, a citizen of...
It is from a sense of duty that I furnish you, in confidence, with some information, which this...
The great importance of the present crisis occasions me earnestly to wish for a copy of the...
I take the liberty to inclose you a letter for the President which I request the favor of you to...
I had the honor to furnish you lately with some Abstracts (in my hand writing) from a paper...
I have the honor respectfully to submit to your consideration the inclosed Memoir. A few hundred...
As it is possible, that the bill to create a quartermasters department may become a law, and its...
The present condition of the world certainly demands all the consideration of every wise and good...
Ca. 26 May 1810. Discusses the need to encourage American manufactures and encloses some...