Thomas Jefferson Papers
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To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, 15 March 1801

From Tench Coxe

Philada. March 15. 1801.


Among the papers, which I possess in relation to the late transactions of the United states, there are several relative to the British treaty, which it may be useful to pass into your hands. The concessions, sacrifices, and losses of this country may become in some way topics either of argument or negociation, and the papers I refer to, may contribute to the defence of our conduct, or to the procurement of justice. In this view I will occassionally pass them, without trouble to yourself, into your hands. The present inclosure will contain the fullest discussion of the Negro question, which I have yet seen. The honor and interests of this country and particularly of the southern states did not appear to be untouched by the ground which Great Britain & her zealous friends took upon that point—

With perfect respect, I have the honor to be, sir, yr. mo. obt. & hum. Sert.

Tench Coxe

I beg leave to address this note to you merely in your private Character—

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 Mch. and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found, but see below.


Coxe may have enclosed his own letters published in 1795 under the pseudonym “Juricola,” three of which concerned the question of slaves lost to the British during the Revolution and the fact that the Jay Treaty did not address compensation for them. Coxe had previously sent the pieces to TJ in 1795 (Vol. 28:516–17). In October 1801, he enclosed them to Madison (Madison, Papers, Sec. of State Ser., 2:180–1).

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