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    • Adams, Abigail Smith


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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, Abigail Smith"
Results 141-170 of 643 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
141 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 5 May 1816 1816-05-05 A ; I opend my Letters this morning and found a Number—dated last Novbr and December, the first...
142 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 5 May … 1816-05-05 It was not untill this morning that I received your Letter of December 5th No 79, just five...
143 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 2 May … 1816-05-02 Mr Edward Brooks, Eldest son of mr P C Brooks has visited us, and offerd to take Letters for us...
144 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-05-02 I never know how to let a vessel go from Boston, without a Letter to Some of the Family. I have...
145 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 27 April … 1816-04-27 I am much dispirited by the weather which prevented the intended visit of you and your Friends, I...
146 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Sarah Smith From Abigail Smith Adams to Sarah Smith Adams, 24 April … 1816-04-24 I this morning received your Letter, dated the 10th I sympathize with you, under the repeated...
147 Adams, Abigail Smith Rush, Richard From Abigail Smith Adams to Richard Rush, 24 April 1816 1816-04-24 I thank you for the information transmitted me in your Last Letter. I have Sent an extract to my...
148 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-04-24 By a vessel which saild a week since, I wrote to my Son, and Grandson’s. by this I shall write...
149 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 18 April … 1816-04-18 Self, Self, is very often the first consideration I therefore begin my Letter by Saying I have...
150 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 7 April … 1816-04-07 Upon this day solemnized to me, by the anniversary of the death of my beloved Sister, and by the...
151 Adams, Abigail Smith Smith, Hannah Carter From Abigail Smith Adams to Hannah Carter Smith, 7 … 1816-04-07 For Several Months past, I little thought my Dear Friend, that I Should have been the Sunium to...
152 Adams, Abigail Smith Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From Abigail Smith Adams to François Adriaan Van der … 1816-04-01 After three months Sickness, great part of which time, I expected to go hence & be here no more,...
153 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-03-01 I always like to send to every one some token of remembrance by writing to each, altho, I á derth...
154 Adams, Abigail Smith Felt, Abigal Adams Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Abigal Adams Shaw Felt, 30 … 1816-03-30 It is So long Since I heard from you that I am anxious to hear from your own pen, how you have...
155 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Charles Francis From Abigail Smith Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 28 … 1816-03-28 I must write you a short Letter, least you Should think yourself neglected, as I have written to...
156 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-03-27 I have already written to you by this vessel. her sailing haveing been delayed, I have the...
157 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 25 March … 1816-03-25 I received your note this morning and wish you had known that mr Shaw came out last Evening...
158 Adams, Abigail Smith Smith, William Steuben From Abigail Smith Adams to William Steuben Smith, 24 … 1816-03-24 I embrace the earliest opportunity to congratulate you upon the Birth of a son, and to rejoice...
159 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 22 March … 1816-03-22 Your Letter No 80 December 27th 1815 I have received—Since my last Letter to you, which I think...
160 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 22 March … 1816-03-22 I received a few lines from you to night by mrs Adams; and rejoice in the returning health of...
161 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-03-20 I attempted to write to you, by Captain Bronson in Jan’ry but my strength failed me, and I have...
162 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 19 March … 1816-03-19 I received this morning your Note of Sunday and Monday, and am the better for hearing of that...
163 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 15 March … 1816-03-15 your Note I received and thank you for it, altho it gave me much anxiety upon your & mrs Bailey’s...
164 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 8 March 1816 1816-03-08 I must write you a few lines to day from a Night of Rest, I derive Strength, all lost again by a...
165 Adams, Abigail Smith Rush, Richard From Abigail Smith Adams to Richard Rush, 26 February … 1816-02-26 It is a long time since we have received a Line from you at Quincy. I have been so very sick...
166 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 25 February … 1816-02-25 I was very sick yesterday, and obliged to take an Emetic, to clear of a quantity of Bile, which...
167 Adams, Abigail Smith Smith, William Steuben From Abigail Smith Adams to William Steuben Smith, 20 … 1816-02-20 I am very anxious to learn whether mrs Smith is confined? I expected the post of this day would...
168 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 10 … 1816-02-10 your Letter of Nov’br 7th allarmd me when I opend it, and Saw that it was in the hand writing of...
169 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, with Postscript by … 1816-02-02 I know not what to Say of your Letter of the 11 th of Jan. but that it is one of the most...
170 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 23 January … 1816-01-23 I know you will be glad to see my handwriting, and more so, when I tell you that I have rode out...