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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, Abigail"
Results 961-990 of 1,287 sorted by recipient
Tho I cannot stile you a plant of my Hand, in some measure I own you as a child of my care, and...
I hear from you by way of your mother, & rejoice to learn that you & your little ones enjoy heath...
I received with great pleasure your kind Letter of December 15. I regreeted that I had not the...
I received last Evening Your kind Letter of Feb ry 8 th . I thank you for your congratulation,...
I am indebted to you for a very kind and friendly Letter by my son, to which I ought sooner to...
So good an opportunity offering, tho I had not wrote before I have detaind the Bearer, just to...
By mr Knox our old accquaintance who is appointed consul to dublin I embrace the opportunity of...
I received your Letter of June 21. on the 29 th the extreem heat of the last week so totally...
I arrived here this day week, but have been so constantly occupied in seeing company that I have...
I had the pleasure of seeing mr Peabody here, yesterday mor’g he got here the night before, but...
I last Evening received your kind Letter of the 6 th and was most sincerely rejoiced to find you...
I wrote you on the 23 Jan’ ry. you have not received a Letter of that date, for a very good...
I have not written to you for a long time it was my intention to have written by miss Palmer, but...
This Letter will be deliverd to you by your son whom you will find improved in his Health,...
I last Evening received your Letter of the 19 & 20 th Instant. I am most sincerely grieved for...
I sent by the stage to Haverhill some cloaths for the Children, a suit of their Grandfathers...
I am much mortified and dissapointed that I cannot have the pleasure which I anticipated of...
I wrote to you from East Chester, but I believe I have not written to you from hence. I was...
I cannot but lament that the cares and avocations of Your Family should so fully occupy your...
I received last week your very excellent Letter whatever you write is always precious to me. No...
You will see by the inclosed that I wrote you a long Letter, and that it has lain some time...
Judge Blodget is here again, and offers to take Letters to you. he says he call’d and that you...
I have received two Charming Letters from my much loved sister since my last to her. they demand...
I received Your kind Letter by mr Peabody and thank You most Sincerely for it; I did not know...
This day 3 weeks I came on Board this Ship; and Heaven be praised, have hietherto had a...
I think when I finishd the last page I was rubbing myself up on Board Ship. But this was not the...
And so my dear Sister all your Nephews have quitted your Hospitable Mansion for the university of...
I yesterday received a congratulatory Letter from you, upon the safe arrival of my dear Charles,...
I do not expect to date you any more letters from this place. Delighfull and blooming Garden, how...
I know your good will to have written to me if you had been able. It gives me pain to hear that...