Results 26221-26230 of 184,390 sorted by author
A warm but humble wellwisher to the rights of humanity, and consequently of thy Country, begs thee would oblige him so far as to accept of this small token of his esteem for thee, on account of thy very laudable and unblemishd conduct in the cause wherein thou hast been engaged. Thy friend DLC : Papers of George Washington.
City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of Newyork At the third Ward of the City of Newyork in the County of Newyork, the thirteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and four, and Continued by adjournment until the Second day of August in the year Aforesaid, before me John Burger Coroner for the Said City and County...
Sir, You did me the honor the winter before last to subscribe to a little Astronomical essay of mine and on my presenting the work I was honor’d by your invitation at Braintree, which gain’d me access to your Excellency: when on your understanding that I had been some many years in the East Indies, Your Excellency was pleas’d to intimate that you would present to your friends in Congress a...
Letter not found : from Vachel Burgess, 16 Aug. 1779. On 16 Aug., GW wrote Burgess: “I received Your Letter of this date.”
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Apud Civitatem Sancti Andreae Secunda die mensis Octobris anno partus Salutiferi Millesimo Septingentesimo quinquagesimo nono. Quo Die Magistratuum illustris ordo et Honorandus Senatorum Coetus Inclitae Civitatis Sancti Andreae Indebiti amoris et affectus tesseram Erga virum valde generosum Benjaminum Franklin Armigerum...
When I Vew the Kind Prvidence of God in Delivering me Throw So many Dificultys I think I Canot Give him Sufficient Praise At the Same Time I Feel a hart Full of Gratitude For the Many Favours I have Recevd From Your Excelency Your Order: For Rations for my Self and Children Are Punktily Obeyd Wicth is Great Releif to me in A Strange Place I Recev’d a Kind Letter From Your Aidicamp Informing me...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to mak their acape gorge Hebbuy Coming from your Exelence the Weak before and Cared out Mager van Burah Capt. Crain Lt Lee Who Mad ther acape from the guard on Long Island Gorge Higby Braught a paper to me from your aide Derectted to Col. Md gaw on Long Island he the Sd gorge Higly being taking up and...
C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au Bourguemaitre President de cette ville par le Citoÿen Arnold Delius, que Vôtre Excellence, de concert avec le tres Illustre Senat des Etats Unis de l’Amerique, lui a fait expedier les heureuses dispositions, de resserrer les liens, dont les avantages mutuels du Commerce et de la navigation,...
Le Sr Fréderic Jacques Wichelhausen, venant de nous présenter les lettres patentes, qui font foi de sa nomination au poste de Consul des Etats Unis de l’Amerique pour le port de cette Ville, nous ne tardons pas, de marquer à Votre Excellence, combien il nous est agréable, que Son choix pour cet employ est tombé sur une personne, que les talens, que nous lui connoissons, Ses merites & Sa...
A letter from the Secretary of State Mr Randolph written to us on the 3 of february of the present year, in reply to one which we had the honor of addressing to your Excellency on the 15 of October of the last year with respect to the nomination of Mr Arnold Delius to the office of Consul of the United States of America in this City, gave us the pleasing expectation that you would nominate a...