Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher, 28 March 1752

From Jonathan Belcher

Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society

Eliz: Town (NJ) March 28th: 1752


I have your kind Letter of 24: Instant8 and thank your care in sending forward the snake root to Boston.

I am glad your Apparatus got so safe to hand as it did. I am sorry and ask pardon for the misfortune that happend to the Globe the repairing of which I wou’d thankfully pay.

I am but lately recoverd of a pretty smart attack of a Fever. When I am a little stronger I intend to continue the Electrical Operation.

I intend this by your Neighbour Mr. Bradford whom I have desired to pay you for the snake root and for your paper to this time.9

I am on all Occasions you may please to mention Sir Your Assured Friend and M[ost] H[umble] S[ervant].

Mr. Franklin (per Mr. Bradford)

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Not found.

9This letter was enclosed in Belcher’s letter to William Bradford, March 30, directing the latter to pay BF £1 0s. 6d. for the snakeroot and whatever was owing for newspapers, and asking Bradford to bind two books for Belcher.

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