Thomas Jefferson Papers

Stephen Cathalan to Thomas Jefferson, 4 June 1816

From Stephen Cathalan

Marseilles the 4th June 1816

My Dear Sir & as much Respected as Beloved Friend!

I hope that my Letters of the 15th febrry & 19th march Last, with the Containts of my Several Invoices, therein Inclosed, will have Reached you before this Day;

your Favor of the 1st February last Reached me on the 7th ulto—   many Thousand Gratefull Thanks—for your kind Expressions towards me! & I cannot better Express them to you, than by my Continued Endeavours to desire the Continuation of the Confidence placed in me by the Executive Government of the united states;

This will Reach you by the Ship Lothair1 of norfolk John Stones2 Master Bound for norfolk & Ready for Sea, on which I have Shipped as pr Bill of Loading, (which I have Inclosed in my Letter of this Day to the Collector of the District of norfolk) one Cask Containing one Barrel of about 38 Gallons or 120 Litres old Roussillon wine,3 which Mr Fois Durand of Perpignan, has at last Sent to me, assuring me to be the Exact quality you wished, & by the Bottle he Sent me at Same time to taste it, I Took it, at first, for its flavour4 & Taste for old Madeira wine, however with Some Difference Easily Perceived after;—he has an one other Barrel to Send me, but wished before, to have my opinion, whether it’s quality Should be Satisfactory & I am writing him to Send it to me as Soon as Possible.5

he has not Sent me the Invoice of this 1st Barrel, but it will not Cost on6 Board, one hundred & Fifty franks

I have had Lately in this Road, (& under my Country house)7 the U.s. Frigate United States, Commodore John Shaw, who Sailed on the 29th Ulto

we have now her Royal Highness the Dutchess of Berry8 arived on the 21st Ulto into this Lazareto, & had her Frée Pratick on the 30th ditto;—She is Just Returned from Toulon at one half past Ten at night;—herewith9 the Ceremonial of her Reception here & at Toulon;

Everything appears now quiet,10 & it is hoped we Shall at Last enjoy of a Lasting Tranquility;

meantime I may write you more fully, Please to accept my best & Sincerest wishes for your happiness & good health, having the honor to be with great Respect;

my Dear sir Your most obedt Servt

Stephen Cathalan.

Dupl (MHi); at head of text: “2ta”; with RC of Cathalan to TJ, 19 June 1816, subjoined; at foot of first page: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr &ca &ca Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 28 Aug. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); dated 1 June 1816; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Sept. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Anne Joachim Joseph, marquis de Rochemore, Cérémonial Pour la remise, la réception et le séjour de Madame la Duchesse de Berri, a Marseille, Et son voyage à Toulon (Marseille, 1816), which describes the receptions given at Marseille and Toulon in honor of Marie Caroline Ferdinande Louise de Bourbon, Duchesse de Berry.

The collector of the district of norfolk was Charles K. Mallory. On her arrival at the port of Marseille on 21 May 1816, the dutchess of berry entered a lazaretto (lazareto), a quarantine hospital, where she remained until given a pratique (pratick), a clearance of good health (Arthur Léon Imbert de Saint-Amand, The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Louis XVIII, trans. Elizabeth Gilbert Martin [1900], 27–53).

1Word rewritten by TJ above the line for clarity.

2RC: “Stone.”

3In left margin of RC Cathalan added:
No 1.”

4RC substitutes “as by its Colour” for preceding three words.

5TJ noted in left margin, perpendicular to text: “150.ƒ @ 5⅓ ƒ to the D. = 28. D 11 c
38. galls for 28.11 D is .74 cents per galln or .18½ the quart, or .15 cents pr bottle.”

6Dupl: “one.” RC: “on.”

7Parenthetical phrase not in RC.

8RC: “Berri in this City.”

9RC: “herein I enclosed.”

10RC here adds “in this kingdom.”

Index Entries

  • Bourbon, Marie Caroline Ferdinande Louise de, duchesse de Berry search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); and wine for TJ search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); as commercial agent in Marseille search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); letters from search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); sends books to TJ search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); visitors to search
  • Cérémonial Pour la remise, la réception et le séjour de Madame la Duchesse de Berri, a Marseille, Et son voyage à Toulon (A. J. J. Rochemore) search
  • Durand, François; and wine for TJ search
  • France; wines from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; orders wine from S. Cathalan search
  • Lothair (ship) search
  • Mallory, Charles King; and wine for TJ search
  • Mallory, Charles King; as collector at Norfolk search
  • Marseille; visitors to search
  • Norfolk, Va.; collector at search
  • public health; quarantines search
  • Rochemore, Anne Joachim Joseph, marquis de; Cérémonial Pour la remise, la réception et le séjour de Madame la Duchesse de Berri, a Marseille, Et son voyage à Toulon search
  • Roussillon, France; wine from search
  • Shaw, John (1773–1823); commands American squadron in Mediterranean search
  • Stone, John (ship captain) search
  • United States, USS (frigate) search
  • wine; French search
  • wine; of Roussillon search
  • wine; sent to TJ search