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Practical Instructions and Directions for Silkworm Nurseries, and for the Culture of the Mulberry Tree
...arrived here yesterday evening. The road along which we have passed is one of the most interesting in Italy. In agriculture it is rich. The productions are grass, Indian corn, wheat, vines, mulberry trees and in one small part olive trees. The water is disposed of as you observed it in the Milanoes to the greatest possible advantage, and in various ways as the country is alternately flat...
33[April 1786] (Adams Papers)
...House where he was born, as small and mean, as you can conceive. They shew Us an old Wooden Chair in the Chimney Corner, where He sat. We cutt off a Chip according to the Custom. A Mulberry Tree that he planted has been cutt down, and is carefully preserved for Sale. The House where he died has been taken down and the Spot is now only Yard or Garden. The Curse upon him who should remove...
Bundle of Mulberry trees & 3 fowl’s—they appear to be in good order tho’ I have not yet overhaul’d them—the Gardner will begin grafting in the morning tho’ tomorrow is a holiday (Easter), as it is now...
35[February 1771] (Adams Papers)
natural Productions eno. Hemp, Silk, and many other Commodities might be introduced here, and cultivated for Exportation. The Mulberry Tree succeeds as well in our Climate and Soil, as in any.
36February—1785 (Washington Papers)
Planted all the Mulberry trees, Maple trees, & Black gums in my Serpentine walks and the Poplars on the right walk—the Sap of which and the Mulberry appeared to be moving. Also planted 4 trees from H. Hole the name unknown but...
...House where he was born, as small and mean, as you can conceive. They shew Us an old Wooden Chair in the Chimney Corner, where He sat. We cutt off a Chip according to the Custom. A Mulberry Tree that he planted has been cutt down, and is carefully preserved for Sale. The House where he died has been taken down and the Spot is now only Yard or Garden. The Curse upon him who should remove...
mulberry; trees [index entry] 
Amongst the many Articles which he mentions as proper to be promoted are 1 The Cultivation of Vines 2 Sesamune 3 Gossipium 4. Mulberry Trees 5 Cochineal, 6 Hemp and Flax 7 making Pottish &c.
...and three children of an age to work. Moreover, they are confident that other workers from their region will be glad to follow them. They know all aspects of the trade, from cultivating mulberry trees to constructing looms. Their silk thread is of such a superior quality that they have received enticing offers to work in the Dutch East Indies and in the Cévennes mountains, in Languedoc. They...
41Poor Richard Improved, 1765 (Franklin Papers)
1740 Begun in America. The best Levant Silk is brought from Shirvan and the other Northern Provinces of Persia, about the Caspian Sea, the same Climate as Pennsylvania. In Italy, One Hundred Mulberry Trees, well grown, are worth £100 Sterling per Annum. That Part of the Imperial Revenue in China, paid in Silk, amounts to above 955,000 lb. Troy, and perhaps this is not the twentieth Part of the... found wild in some forests. But their cultivation has not been found very profitable because the excellent wines from the Canary Islands can be had very cheaply. In this same region there is good hope for silk, as mulberry trees can grow even in New England. The bounty for silk culture continues.
..., each. But the largest will yeild the value of a Louis. They are sometimes 15.I. diameter. It is said that the Marseilles fig degenerates when transplanted into another part of the country. The leaves of a Mulberry tree will sell for about 3,₶ the purchaser gathering them. The
found that the townspeople of Wallingford and Mansfield had successfully integrated the cultivation of mulberry trees and silkworm hatcheries within their family economies. L. P. Brockett,
William Maine (d. 1776) came to So. Car. from Ireland and in about 1756 purchased Jericho Plantation, about 22 miles west of Charleston. Here he planted mulberry trees as part of a silkworm project.
...which is continually adding fresh Rewards:—but I can receive no Encouragement either from the one, or from the other, to bear my Expences at first setting out;—though most undeniably the white Mulberry-Trees can thrive as well on my Grounds, as they can in Switzerland, Brandenburgh, Denmark, or Sweden, where vast Quantities are now raising. Take another instance: Why shall I not be permitted...