Thomas Jefferson Papers

James P. Cocke to Thomas Jefferson, 18 May 1813

From James P. Cocke

May 18th 1813

Dear Sir

Untill within a few days past we have not been able to procure the chub fish, If you will send on thursday next a ceareful hand prepaired for there conveyance, I have little doubt but the nesessary supply for your pond can be made which will give pleasure to your friend & Hble sert

J P Cocke


Growth of the chub, at 1 year old 8 to 9 Ins long, at 2–11 to 12—3–15 to 16—the weight not assertained but suppose the latter at 3 to 3½ lbs

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 21 May 1813 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • chub, Roanoke search
  • Cocke, James Powell; and Roanoke chub search
  • Cocke, James Powell; letters from search
  • fish; Roanoke chub search
  • food; Roanoke chub search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); fish for search