Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Joel Yancey, [ca. 25 May 1822] (second one)

Account with Joel Yancey

[ca. 25 May 1822]

Cash Act. Dr $ C
Jan To Amount due last year 32 63
To Richard Walker. Amt his Act 14 25
To Joel Yancey 4 58
March  To John Gills in part. 3
To James Cox in part. 5
May John Watts in part. 5
John Gills 1 50
12 To so much recd of Dudley for wheat. 100
June  1st To balance in full of Dudley for the wheat. 43 80
To Mr Jefferson Dft. on Peyton in favour of Johnathan Bishop 136 48
To ditto. do— on do in favour of J. Yancey 135
fowarded    481 24
Feb By cash paid Wilkerson in part. for season
of four mares 10
May By Cash paid James Cox. over chage B.smithe Act 25
 4 By ditto for potatoe seed 50
By ditto paid Cheetwood for coopering in part. 5
13 By cash paid Butler for wheels 15
By cash paid Butcher Lynchburg for Beef for Mr Jefferson 3
By do paid Doct Streptoe 70 43
By do paid John Burton for corn 29 57
By do paid J Yancey for wheat furnished at Martins Mill July 1819 35
20 By do paid for carriage Iron salt from Lychbr 50
June  1st By do paid Wm Cheetwood for do 10
July By do paid Butler in full for cart wheels 10
By ditto. do Cheetwood for coopering
By Cash paid Doctr Davies for Medecine & prescription 10
By do paid J. Burton ⅌ receipt 50
fowarded    252 251
 Dr $ cts
July 16th To Amt. brought foward 481 24
To James Howard ⅌ Wm Thompson 2
To James Howard ⅌ Mr Bocock 5
June 18 To refused Tobaco 13 94
Sept To ditto  ditto 8 75
Jan  6 To John Watts ⅌ Mr Robertson 14
To Richard Walker amt his Act. 537.43 12 50
To 17. bushels of wheat at 1.D. To Dr Steptoe 6.57 Early 2/9 24 03
To paid the University his 4th instalment due Apr. 1. 1821. 50
balance due him 639.72 28 26 2
July 16 By Amount brought foward 252 25
By Cash paid Bishop ⅌ receipt 136 48
By ditto paid Wilkerson in full ⅌ receipt 5
Sept  1st By cash paid Johnson Bocock for fixing cradles ⅌ receipt 10
 4 By ditto paid James Howard. for corn 5
By ditto paid Robert Yancey for corn (8 barrels)3 20
Oct By do J Yancey. for corn (5 barrels) 12 50
By do ditto for corn 12 50
July 16 By Cash paid Goggins & Irvine for pork for Bishop 44
By ditto paid J. H. Burton for horse 35
June  1 By ditto paid Cockram for horses 100
1822 By do Johnson Bocock in full 7
639 72 4

MS (MHi); written in an unidentified hand on both sides of a single sheet, with notations added by TJ on verso rendered in italics above; undated, but evidently composed around the time of the settlement of TJ’s Poplar Forest plantation account with Yancey on 25 May 1822 (see MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1386); endorsed by TJ: “Yancey Joel. plantation acct for 1821.”

1Correct sum is $249.25. Recto ends here.

2TJ actually owed Yancey $25.27 (see notes 1 and 4).

3Omitted closing parenthesis editorially supplied.

4Correct sum is $639.73.

Index Entries

  • beef; at Poplar Forest search
  • Bishop, Jonathan; TJ pays search
  • Bocock (Bococke; Bowcock), Mr. (overseer); mentioned search
  • Bocock (Bowcock), Johnson search
  • Burton, J. H. search
  • Burton, John; sells corn to TJ search
  • Burton, John; TJ pays search
  • Butler, Mr.; TJ buys wheels from search
  • carts; wheels for search
  • Central College; subscription for search
  • Cheetwood, William search
  • Cockram, Mr. search
  • corn; at Poplar Forest search
  • Cox, James search
  • cradles (agricultural tool) search
  • Davies, Dr. search
  • Dudley, Mr. search
  • Early, Mr. search
  • food; beef search
  • food; pork search
  • Gills, John search
  • Goggins & Irvine (firm) search
  • horses; at Poplar Forest search
  • household articles; iron salt search
  • Howard, James search
  • iron salt search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; Account with J. Yancey search
  • Martin, James; flour mill of search
  • mills; J. Martin’s search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); corn for search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); horses at search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); wheat grown at search
  • pork; as pay search
  • potatoes search
  • Robertson, Mr. (of Virginia); payment made through search
  • seeds; potato search
  • Steptoe, William; as physician search
  • Thompson, William (of Virginia) search
  • tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search
  • Walker, Richard; TJ’s account with search
  • Watts, John; Bedford Co. landholder search
  • wheat; at Poplar Forest search
  • wheat; ground for TJ search
  • wheat; price of search
  • Wilkerson, Mr. search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); TJ pays search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); TJ’s account with search
  • Yancey, Robert search