Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 17 July 1820

From Bernard Peyton

Rich’d 17 July 1820

Dear Sir,

This morning’s mail put me in rect your two esteemed favors of the 13th: & 14th: of this instant, together with their several enclosures—

The Bill of Exchange drawn by Dr Everett in favor Thos J. Randolph Esqe is herewith returned, for want of form, & a correct one accompanying it for his signature—You will observe the amount of Sterling money drawn for, should be expressed in the body of the bill, in writing, just preceding the value given in currency here for it, which should also be expressed, as in the one now returned—beside this, three bills are expressed to be drawn, & only two are sent—all that are drawn should be together when sold—The bill should likewise have been drawn in favor of the Shipper here (Edd Anderson & Co) to be by them endorsed, who will then be followed by the agent of Messrs: Maury & Latham in this city, (Robert Pollard & Son) & which will give the bill such an undoubted character as to place it on the best footing as to sale—Its proper also that the bill should be drawn at sight, or one day after,1 those at ten days being very uncommon, & also unsalable, on consulting with Edd Anderson & Co, who shipd the Tobacco, & who know that the money has been in the hands of M & L. of Liverpool for six months, subject to Dr E’s order, we have tho’t it most proper to fill up the bills returned at one day2—According to this arrangement T. J. Randolph can endorse or not as he may please.—   I regret much that there should have been a difficulty in the sale the bill in question as you seem to be under necessity for the proceeds of it; not much delay however will arise, as you can speedily convey it to the Dr, get his signature, & return it to me, when a sale will be immediately effected, & your several requests complied with.—in the mean time, should your draft for $152.90. in favor Jacob W White appear, it shall be honored—

The blanks you enclose for the renewal your notes at the Farmers & U. S. Banks shall be attended to.—I find you are in an error as to the requisition3 of the U. S. B.—It was, that an additional name to Mr Gibson’s should be added as an endorser on your note, & that, that name might be Thomas J. Randolph—Knowing however that no great value is attached to the name just mentioned, (between ourselves of course) have no doubt I can get the note passed in its present shape—   No note can be discounted at any of the Banks in this City that has longer than sixty days to run, consequently your notes should always be written, “sixty days after date &C:”;—

I have recd of Mr Gibson the small bundle of Books mentioned in yours, & will forward them by the first Waggoner to be relied on, care James Leitch Esqe Charlottesville—

For the small purchases I from time to time make, & cash advanced for freight & charges on packages recd & forward backward & forward for you, I have heretofore been in the habit of presenting my account once a year, & receiving4 payt from Mr Gibson, as directed by you in every case, & to avoid the trouble of calling for every little amount as it arises—12 Months has now elapsed since I have presented an ℀, which I did to=day, amounting to $56.31. & Mr G. says he has no funds to meet it; please say in your next whether I shall retain this sum out of the proceeds the sale of the Sterling Bill, as well as the several discounts on your notes about to fall due—say on the $8,250 for 64 days; $88—

With great respect Dr sir

Your Mo: Obd: Servt:

Bernard Peyton

N.B. I send two blank notes merely as forms


RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 21 July 1820 and so recorded in SJL; with additional notations by TJ beneath endorsement pertaining to his reply to Peyton of 21 July: “Everett’s bill error in notes 60.d. form F’s bk retain the 56.31 & 88. G’s endorsemt funds in his hds.” RC (ViU: TJP); portion of address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Thomas Mann Randolph, 6 Jan. 1822, on verso; addressed (torn): “Mr Thomas Jef[. . .] M[. . .]”; postmarked Richmond, 17 July. Enclosures not found.

1Preceding four words interlined.

2Reworked from “at sight.”

3Manuscript: “requistion.”

4Superfluous colon editorially omitted.

Index Entries

  • Bank of the United States, Second, Richmond branch of; TJ’s loan from search
  • Edmund Anderson & Company (Richmond firm) search
  • Everette, Charles; buys TJ’s Pouncey’s tract search
  • Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and goods for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s loan from Second Bank of U.S. search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to J. W. White search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Farmers’ Bank of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Second Bank of U.S. search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells land search
  • Leitch, James; and packages for TJ search
  • Maury & Latham (Liverpool firm) search
  • Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and sale of TJ’s Pouncey’s tract search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s loan from Farmers’ Bank of Virginia search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s loan from Second Bank of U.S. search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letters from search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Pouncey’s tract (TJ’s Albemarle Co. propertysearch
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and sale of TJ’s Pouncey’s tract search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); endorses bank notes search
  • Robert Pollard & Son (Richmond firm) search
  • tobacco; shipment of search
  • White, Jacob W.; TJ’s debt to search