James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Churchill C. Cambreleng, 22 May 1826

From Churchill C. Cambreleng

Washn 22 May 1826


It gives me great pleasure to be the medium of conveying to you a gold medal, commemorating the opening of the Erie Canal, presented by the Corporation of the City of Newyork and transmitted to me by the Recorder. I must however express my sincere regret that the late hour at which it was received should have deprived me of the pleasure I had promised myself, of delivering it in person and compelled me to enlist the services of your Representative Mr. Taylor who has politely taken charge of it. You will oblige me by informing me, at Newyork, when it reaches you. I am with very great respect Yr mo obt Sert

C. C. Cambreleng1

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Churchill Caldom Cambreleng (1786–1862) was born in Washington, North Carolina, and in 1802 moved to New York, where he began a successful mercantile career. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1821–39; became an avid supporter of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren; and was appointed by the latter as U.S. minister to Russia, 1840–41.

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