Benjamin Franklin Papers
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The American Commissioners to Sartine, 1 February 1779

The American Commissioners to Sartine

AL(draft):9 Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: Library of Congress, National Archives (two)

Passy Feby 1. 1779


We have the Honour to inclose to your Excellency, a Letter We have this day recd from Nantes, together with a Representation from Mr1

The Congress have not as yet appointed any Consuls in any of the Ports of this Kingdom, and they have not invested Us with Power to appoint such officers. We expect that Consuls will arrive soon however from America. But in the Mean Time We think it our Duty, to inclose these Representations to your Excellency, and to request your Advice thereupon, and your Interposition for the Relief of the subscribers of the Petition to Us, if there is nothing improper in it, which We submit to your Determination, and are with the highest Consideration, your Excellencys most obedient &c

His excellency, M. De Sartine.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9In JA’s hand. The Library of Congress copy is in WTF’s hand, and one of those at the National Archives in Hezekiah Ford’s.

1The blank is in the MS; Ford’s copy, dated Feb. 2, fills in the name: Josiah Darrell. The representation is his of Jan. 25, above; the letter from Nantes is that of the American merchants, Jan. 28.

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