Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Parker, 1 July 1768

From Samuel F. Parker8

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Deptford, July 1, 1768.

Honoured Sir,

Being engaged here at Deptford, ever since I had the Pleasure of waiting on you, hindered me from delivering you my Letter, 9 and fearing I should not be at London in three or four Days, hope you will excuse my sending it: My best Respects wait upon you, and conclude myself Your very humble Servant

Saml F. Parker.

Addressed: For/ Benjamin Franklin, Esqr: / Craven Street/ London

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8James Parker’s son, for whom see the father’s letter to BF above, May 14.

9James Parker to BF, above, May 15, 1768. If the son had known the contents of the letter, he would scarcely have been in a hurry to forward it.

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