George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Abraham Lott, 7 May 1782

Camp May 7th 1782


The purport of my visit to Camp, Your Excellency will be made acquainted with by the contents of this Letter; And if the request can be granted, which is contained in it, the favor will be gratefully Acknowledged. I suppose Your Excellency well knew that previous to the commencement of this War I was in Copartnership in Trade, with William Kelly, late of London, deceased; Upon whose Death the whole of his estate devolved upon his Executors—Our Affairs at that time were by no means near a close, and large Sums then were, and still are due to the House from different parts of this Continent—A want of intercourse with his Executors hitherto has prevented me from reaping any benefit from the monies due the House as the Surviving Partner; on the contrary a want of it has occasioned many losses, and more may happen to me and his heirs if not timely prevented.

Mr Brook Watson, Mr Kelly’s Executor is now in New York and I have thro’ him, obtained a permit for Colo. Livingston and myself to have an interview with him, coming to any part of their Lines. I therefore should be happy if your Excellency will give us your permission to go to New York, by way of Kings Bridge, for this purpose. The Proclamation of his Excellency Governor Livingston Prohibiting all Flaggs from passing within his State, rendered any Application to him useless, unless on account of recommendation, and I hope Your Excellency is to well acquainted with my Political Character, to need any. The Short time given in the passports from the other side will render it impossible to apply to Governor Clinton, as they expire in Six Days from this date; and doubt not his Excellency the Governor, was he acquainted with my wishes, would readily comply with them. I have requested a passport to Kings bridge, being desirous of a certain passage, and but too little pleased with Water Carriages. However any way pointed out by Your Excellency will be agreable—I could urge, did I conceive it Necessary, many Cogent reasons to Justify the Application, but shall only mention that an expensive family and a want of Supplies, renders it absolutely Necessary for the comfort of Sir Your Sincere friend & most humble Servant

Abrm Lott

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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