James Madison Papers

To James Madison from St. Mary’s Seminary, 13 December 1806

December 13, 1806--May 19, 1807

Dr. James Madison pour John Peyne Todd
1806 decembre 13 pour 1 paire of shoes $2.
24 Wellenhall greek’s grammar 50
mans introdution . 87 1/ 2
27 4 Cravates 2. 5. 37 1/ 2
1807 January 11 mending clothes . 25
1 pair of shoes 2.
27 paid sadtler for repairing his watch, twice 2.
1 disk Lok paid gros . 75
22 1 blankett 1. 75
mending his great coat & fournishing calmouth . 75
1 pair of socks and Leather soles 1. 75
24 mending boots & shoes 2. 50 11. 75
february 14 21 & 28 3 paires of shoes 7.
mending clothes . 43 1/ 2
march 13 mending do. . 56 1/ 2
22 4 paires of color stockings 5.
24 Lexicon 3. 50
greek Testament! 2. 18. 50
Aprll 1 4 fashionable pocket handkerchiefs 2. 75
mending shoes 1.
mending cloths . 31 1/ 2
paid Forster private writing Master, march 3
one quarter Lessons as [per sign] Bill 10. 75
a hat delivered by Livers october 25th. 3.
4 Buttons velvet, for his uniform coat 3. 62 1/ 2
⟨Y/A⟩ making 1.
⟨Fo. 196⟩ 16 12 yardes Linen for 4 shirts 12.
Thread buttons & making 4. 50 38" 94
amount carried over 74" 56 1/ 2
amount forwarded $ 74. 56 1/ 2
April 17 pr. fleury’s catechism . 40
May 10 " 10 1/ 4 yards florentine for 2 pantaloons 5. 12 1/ 2
" Linen & Trimming 2. 25
" " making 5. 50
" " 3/ 4 white Dimity for a Jacket 1. 12 1/ 2
" " Linen & Trimming 1. 75
" " 10 yards nankin for 2 pantaloons 5.
" " Linen & Trimming 1.50 making 2 4. 50
" " 1 pair of shoes on the 18 of April 2. 25
" " 1 pair of do. the 2d. instant and 1 pr. of pumps 4. 50
" " mending a pair of boots 2. 25
20 " wanostrocht’s grammar 1.
" " 4 damasked napkins & making 2. 67 1/ 2
23 2 pairs of shoes on the 17th. and this day 4. 50 42" 82 1/ 2
June 6 " mending do. . 75
" " mending clothes . 68 1/ 2 1" 43 1/ 2
" " private french Master two months Tuition forgotten in last a/c 8.
" " dancing Master Entrance october 23d. 12 ul.
" " one quarter Lessons to end July 23d. 12.
" " 1 hat delivered by Livers may 18th. 3.
" " private writing master, paid Forster as [per sign] Bill 10. 37 1/ 2
" " washing Two quarters 9.
" " mending Linen stockings 3.
" " Doctor’s Fees & medecines 4.
[   ] 196 " " paper, slates, quills &ca. 3.
" " penny post common on 23 Letters . 46 29. 83 l/ 2
7 " Six months board & Tuition in advance 100.
may 10 " 1 1/ 2 yd coloured dimity for 2 Jackets, omitted under his date 1. 68 1/ 2
may 19 " Linen & Trimming 1..50 " making $2" 3. 50 5. 18 1/ 2
$276. 84 1/ 2


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