From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 7 February 1809
Washington Feb. 7. 09.
Dear Sir
I thought Congress had taken their ground firmly for continuing their embargo till June, & then war. but a sudden & unaccountable revolution of opinion took place the last week, chiefly among the N. England & N. York members, & in a kind of panic they voted the 4th. of March for removing the embargo, & by such a majority as gave all reason to believe they would not agree either to war or non-intercourse. this too was after we had become satisfied that the Essex Junto had found their expectation desperate of inducing the people there to either separation or forcible opposition. the majority of Congress however has now rallied to the removing the embargo the 4th. of March, non-intercourse with France and Great Britain, trade every where else and continuing war-preparations. the further details are not yet settled; but I believe it is perfectly certain that the embargo will be taken off the 4th. of March. present my warmest affections to my dearest Martha & the young ones & accept the assurances of them to yourself.
Th: Jefferson
DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.