Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 9 April 1824

Monticello Apr. 9. 24.

Dear Sir

Notwithstanding the reduction which was made in the rents proposed, it appears that that on the salaries will so much enlarge our surplus, that we may very safely engage 8. professors, and still have a surplus this year of 6000.D. and annually after of 5024. D the opportunity of procuring the anatomical professor is so advantageous, that I propose to make the provisional instruction for his engagement absolute. on this subject I ask your opinion, to be given to me without delay that it may be in time to be acted on. the statements below will enable you to form your opinion. Accept assurances of my esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

 Estimated account for 1824.
Current expences of the Institution for this year  4,500 
expence of procuring Professors 1,500.
Salaries of 8. Professors for Oct. Nov. Dec. 3,000 
Surplus for apparatus, books, contingencies 6,000 
 To be paid by the annuity of 1824. 15,000 

Annual account after 1824—as may be now estimated.
Income. Annuity 15,000 
Rent of 6. Hotels @ 150.D. 900 
 100. Dormitories @ 16.D. 1,600 
 9. smaller do @ 12.D. 108  D 
University rent on 218. students @ 12.D.  2,616    20,224 
Expenditure. Current expences of the Institution 3,000 
8. Professors @ 1500.D. each 12,000 
a military Instructor 200 
Surplus for apparatus, books, contingencies 5,024  20,224.

this year’s surplus for 6000.D. will afford for text books 1000. apparatus Chemical 1000. Anatomical 1000. Astronomical, physical, mathematical 3000.

DLC: Papers of James Madison.

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