Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Peyton, 18 June 1802

From Francis Peyton

alexandria 18th. June 1802

Dear Sir,

Agreeably to my promise I now send you a list of the persons best qualified in my opinion for the office of Commissioners of Bankruptcy at this place, As you have been pleased to express a wish to include me in the commission, I do not feel disposed to disappoint your expectations, by declining to receive the appointment.

Accept Sir a tender of my warmest acknowledgments for the repeated testimonies afforded me of your esteem and confidence, and at the same time, permit me to assure you, that I shall always entertain a grateful sense, of the honor conferred on me, by your partiality and regard,

I am with great respect Yr. Obe. Servt.

Francis Peyton

George Gilpin
Jonah Thompson
Walter Jones Jr.

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); list of commissioners written in left margin; endorsed by TJ as received 20 June and so recorded in SJL with notation “Commrs. bkrptcy”; also endorsed by TJ: “George Gilpin Jonah Thompson Walter Jones junr. Francis Peyton to be commrs. bkrptcy.”

COMMISSIONERS OF BANKRUPTCY: Gilpin, Thompson, Jones, and Peyton received commissions dated 22 June (list of commissions in Lb in DNA: RG 59, MPTPC). Shortly after he took office, TJ appointed Jones U.S. attorney for the Potomac district. The others served as justices of the peace for Alexandria County (Vol. 33:596, 674, 678; Vol. 36:314–17).

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